Monday, November 17, 2008


death is never a happy subject. atleast for most people. whether its some one you loved, some one you worked with, some one you barely knew or some one you had never even heard of before. death always makes you sad. depressed. of course the pain is proportional to your emotional attachment with the deceased.

the loss of a love one is painful, naturally. you cry at the memories, shared joys and shared tears, the fights you wish hadn't happened, the dreams you two had dreamed together...wen some one you love is gone forever..he leaves an emptiness behind. a pain coming from the pit of the stomach..a void that hurts so much, as if it will never fill. and perhaps it never does. not completely atleast. something inside hurts forever. and its natural. understandable.

but even when we are not really attached to the deceased, not fond of them, relatives we haven't seen in years, never really cared about, never really missed on any occasion in our lives, to the extent that their presence annoyed you, as seldom as it was, only caused irritation and annoyance....why does the loss of such people also make us feel, albeit in a lesser degree, the same sense of loss..the same sense of emptiness within

perhaps its not only the loss of what was but the loss of what could have been.

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