Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Life is an endless wait. Or perhaps that’s how we live it. We wait to grow up n start earning. We wait to find the perfect job. Then we wait for that someone special. We wait for love to happen. Once it does we can hardly wait to get married. We wait to buy the perfect house. Then we wait to have children. And then we start waiting for them to grow up. When they do, they leave; and then we wait for them to come back and visit us. And then we start waiting to die and get it over with. In all this waiting, we forget to live. We wait for life to happen, forgetting that it is happening already.

Never give up on your dreams, however big or small. They separate living from survival

Dreams evolve as priorities change. Let them.

Don’t hurt anyone intentionally unless it is to prevent more pain.

If things are bad, find the silver lining; that'll make it easier to bear the pain.

If it didn’t work out, fret, grieve, learn and then move on.

Spread happiness. It’s a perfect boomerang.

People forget what you did; they remember how you made them feel.

Good deeds & kind words come back faster than you think. So do lies and deceit.

As a soul you have the potential to learn, grow and rise higher.

As a mortal, do the best you can to spread happiness, love n kindness.

Live your life to the fullest, you don’t know if you’ll get a second chance.

Laugh. Dance. Sing. Read. Write. Cry. Medidate. Pray.

Have faith. In God, science, yourself, destiny, anything. It helps.

Don’t bottle up pain and anger. They will rot inside.

Release them. Run. Walk. Work-out. Swim. Hold some one you love and cry.

Love. Don’t be afraid of losing; it will teach you much more if you lose.

Make mistakes. That’s the only way you’ll ever learn.

Grab each moment and make the most of it. Don’t die before you actually die. And don’t succumb to death till you have lived. On your deathbed, if you can look back and say you tried your best; and smile, it would have been worth it.

Live life. It’s worth the effort.


  1. like one of my favorite lines go "If you are not busy being born, you are busy dying"

  2. I can feel u sitting in the conference room in naukri, near the white board, trying to make me get focused on the +ve side of life..

    :) cheers Shipra Gupta. for another set of waiting and learning and moving on! and loads of coffee and loads of one lower scale songs, and loads of doodh doodh doodh doodh..
