Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I write. Though the infrequency of my posts, and their intimidating length (:P) does indicate that I am not a very reader-friendly writer, but the fact still remains that I write. And the fact that I write must obviously imply that I believe in the power and beauty of words. Right?! Wrong!! I detest using words. I am not a very talkative person, atleast not with most of the people, most of the times. I prefer listening way more to talking. My role in most of the conversation is that of a listener, varying from intent to polite ... depending on the content of the conversation ofcourse ;) somehow listening is just so much better than talking. Though I am sure people around me don't agree with me, they are so fed up of not being able to extract
more than a "hmm" , and that too after much effort :P ....But seriously there's so much you can learn by listening to someone, not just about or from the content, but about the person as well. Their eyes, body-language, nature, specially if its a personal story. And besides, most people are quite comfortable talking about themselves, and quite fond of it rather...that its the easiest way to get into a relaxed, easy conversation.

So you come to know about a person, by listening to them. And you come to know a person by being with them, observing them in their most natural day-to-day activities, interactions with their families, friends, colleagues and strangers. But when do you know you really connect to somebody. At any level, a colleague, a friend , your parent, child, lover, spouse, anyone....when do you really connect with a person?? Have you ever realised that you can stay with someone all your life, talk your heart out to them each passing day, and yet feel that the other person does not understand you?! That some inexplicable day, you feel utterly alone simply coz u have ran out of words??? Its because you never tried the power of silence.

Have you ever that quote, "With your best friends, you can sit silently and walk off feeling you've had the best conversation ever"... its not just a quote. and its not limited to just your best friends. Mom's head massage, a relaxed quiet dinner all by urselves,a movie with your sibling, a drive across a drizzling path with lush greenery on both sides, a coffee with a friend as you both just look out the window, lost in ur own thoughts, holding the phone silently for a few moments followed by a simple goodnight....

The best moments in life, the best memories, more often than not, have nothing to do with words.Silence speaks louder than any number of eloquent speeches, and the people with whom we learn to share our silence are the ones we connect with most strongly and intimately.

The power of silence is far greater than any other mode of communication, words, perhaps topping that list....and yet, if silence speaks, then too much silence kills as well. So I guess its just about striking a balance between the two.

Yet, it remains my favorite mode of communication...though I know people who'd respond to this saying, "Your favorite mode of no-communication-at-all" :P .....

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